Get explored by 5,000+ Students Every Month

Enhance your global presence and the number of qualified students from a unique, user-friendly platform trusted by more than 100 institutions pan India.

Campus Onboard was built because we believe the application process should be straightforward. We want to help universities find the right students with hassle-free enrollments. Our advanced portal makes it easy for universities to receive high-quality student applications. Register your institute on Campus Onboard, show your strength, and exhibit your programs, campus lifestyle, general rules, achievements, and more in a single window. Our team of professionals is here to assist you through the process every step of the way.

So, what are you waiting for?

Enhance your global presence and the number

Features That Make Campus Onboard Unique

Easy-to-use and trusted portal to increase the number of qualified students.

Meticulous planning, error-free documentation, and proper admission process through our verified enrollment partners.

Take advantage of the dedicated admin panel to ease the workflow and admission process.

Save your efforts and the cost that you would otherwise spend on digital marketing and billboard advertising.

Unlock semester-wise and yearly statistics of enrollment in various branches to analyze significant trends of the latest admission patterns.

Increase in popularity in the Indian and global education sector.

Get access to verified data of students to make the admission process as easy as pie.

Expert back-end team to add and modify your university profile on the COB portal.

A global platform that can lend bright scholars to your classrooms.

Enjoy popularity among a vast number of students and enrollment partners across the globe that can also help you improve your international ranking.

Get inspired to develop world-class facilities on your campus.

Our Impact

Helping connect top colleges in India with students from around the globe
and delivering worthwhile results along the way.
Registered Institutes


Registered Institutes

Students Assisted


Students Assisted

Enrollment Partners


Enrollment Partners

Admission Success Ratio


Admission Success Ratio

Campus Onboard Team Strength


Campus Onboard Team Strength

The Best Course of Action to Deliver Smooth Enrollments

Fill out an Inquiry Form

Step 1

Fill out an Inquiry Form

Click here to onboard your institute on the Campus Onboard EdTech platform. Let's discuss our collaboration and start building a better world through education.

Check Eligibility of Students

Step 2

Check Eligibility of Students

Take a quick look, review the application, and find the best candidates for open programs in your college.

Generate an Admission Letter

Step 3

Generate an Admission Letter

Invite students to take admission to your campus. All you need is a few clicks, and the Campus Onboard portal will send an admission letter to enrollment partners or students for you.

Documentation and Enrollment

Step 4

Documentation and Enrollment

Receive and acknowledge errorless documents, fees, and more to make the enrollment process prompt and comfortable.

An Easy-to-Use Platform Built to Deliver Quality Applications and Immense Popularity

Assorted, Offer-Ready Applications, Delivered
Assorted, Offer-Ready Applications, Delivered

We work towards reducing your workload on student application processing and follow-ups. Our Indian and international recruitment experts are there to fill up your seats with qualified scholars.

Knowledge Building Approach
Knowledge Building Approach

As an EdTech enterprise, we aim to spare your time, money, and resources. That said, we regularly organize events, education fairs, online webinars, training sessions, and more so that you can work with industry-leading insights and achieve your goals.


We organize all the metrics efficiently in the array of orbs involved in our mutually beneficial partnership. The team COB lives up to its commitment to deliver top-notch tech support, the latest information, and sustainability at all stages of our business relationship.

We Work With You, For You
We Work With You, For You

We are a group of passionate educationalists, leaders, technocrats, and youngsters who believe in attaining goals collectively. We analyze and make use of business logic, technological trends, analytics, research, and more to generate reliable solutions for everyone. Enrollment partners and universities want to work with Campus Onboard as we present a kind of EdTech portal that can deliver win-win solutions for everyone engaged.

Our Partner University

Worldwide Presence of Campus Onboard for Enrollment of Domestic and Foreign students

India is a country of 1.5 billion people, making it one of the most populous countries in the world. Now that creates a huge market for education, technology, and opportunities. Our platform has been trusted by more than 100 colleges pan India to help them connect with professional enrollment partners and qualified students.

Are you ready to join hands with us and tap into this massive potential? Inquire now to learn more about how we can work together to expand your global presence and increase the number of qualified students.

Certified Enrollment Partners


Certified Enrollment Partners

Staff in India


Staff in India

Nations from Where Students Have Applied


Nations from Where Students Have Applied

People Visit


People Visit Campus Onboard Portal Every Month

Become a Campus Onboard University Partner


Partnership Request

Complete the form below, and our Partner Relations Team will be in touch soon.

Our portal is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and we’ll only use your personal information to manage your account and to provide the products and services you requested from us. From time to time, we would like to contact you about our products and services, as well as other content that may be of your interest. If you consent to us contacting you for this purpose, please check below to say how you would like us to contact you: