“Education is an asset - No one can steal from you.”

Find top education consultants, avail application and counseling support, accelerate your admission process, and kick-start your education journey with Campus Onboard.

Campus Onboard is not only a platform for consultants and universities, but it also offers much more to Indian and global students. The portal enables you to find the best courses for your studies in prestigious universities and educational institutes across India.

You can simply apply for your requirements or get help from one of our partner consultants to guide you through your career options.

As a student, you will receive complete guidance on the program you want to enroll in, college reputation, campus details, fee structure, documents, and everything around your admission procedure. The moment you join as a student on Campus Onboard, you will indeed have a smooth flow of work and peace of mind.

Let's Get Started
Education is an asset

What Can You Do as a Student on
Campus Onboard?

Discuss your profile with a counselor

Explore tons of courses that align with your interest

Choose the best university to fulfill your dream career goals

Identify and correct all documentation errors

Track all your applications on a single platform

No need to visit colleges for inquiry

Get to know the rules and regulations of colleges and universities in India

AI algorithms that recommend suitable courses

Get to know the fee structure and other important terms

Apply online through Campus Onboard and ensure your seat allocation

Get visa assistance if you are applying from outside of India

Admission Success

Admission Success Ratio

Getting you admission to a reputable institute is our top priority

Our registered students have a 95% acceptance rate.

Cost Effectiveness


Not just money, but also save your time and efforts

Get access to our systematic procedure to get an admission offer.



All information at your fingertips

Get alerts for your favorite courses, and explore fees, eligibility, campus, college reputation, and more.

Why Choose Our Portal?

Easy to Apply
Easy to Apply

Create your application quickly and apply to multiple universities in one go.

Expert Guidance
Expert Guidance

Get complete guidance from our expert team or registered Enrollment Partners for the selection of your preferred course, university, and other essential information.

100+ Indian Universities at Your Fingertips

Wide selection of career-boosting courses and reputable universities in India

Finance Options
Finance Options

Avail support for financial aid such as educational loans and scholarships.

Visa Processing
Visa Processing (Overseas Students)

Get complete support for your visa process from our expert team of visa consultants.

Maximum Support
Maximum Support

Get answers to all your queries from our registered Enrollment Partners and highly skilled team members.

Do you have any queries?

Schedule a free counseling session with our expert.

Get Started with Campus Onboard

Check Your Eligibility

Step 1

Check Your Eligibility

Register on Campus Onboard, find a course and university and check your eligibility.

Prepare and submit application

Step 2

Prepare and Submit Your Application

Select your course and university, complete your profile, pay application fees, and submit your documents.

Get Acceptance Letter

Step 3

Get Acceptance Letter

The university will review your application, eligibility, and documents, and upon selection, you will receive an admission letter.

Apply for a Visa

Step 4

Apply for a Visa (Overseas Students)

Our visa consultants will guide you through the complete visa application process, documents required, fees, and rules to make your application hassle-free.

Get Accepted to Your Dream College

Step 5

Get Accepted to Your Dream College

Pack your bags and start a new journey towards your career growth.


Explore and apply to the best course

Explore and apply to the best course and the right university that can be a game-changer for your professional life