Refund & Cancellation Policy

Our partners are assured of the payment being done online as Campus Onboard has tied up with the trusted payment gateway, Razorpay, which uses advanced encryption to keep your transaction details secure and confidential. All transactions done by the user are through the payment gateway service provider of Please note that we take no responsibility for any payment-related discrepancies. We have full rights to review the university preferences as given by the user if we find any shortfall or excess of payment. Incase of a refund, we have complete authority to review the case and make a decision accordingly. Moreover, it is required to note your transaction reference number and receipt number as provided by the payment gateway. Thus, it will help us track your payment status in case of any contrasts. The payment, once done, will not be refunded unless institutes cancel the admission of your students. Also, you have to make sure to pay any remaining amount before the college admission deadline. If users pay after the deadline, their applications may not be considered valid. Thus, make sure to pay the full amount before thegiven deadline. Campus Onboard cannot be held liable for the same, and no refund will be provided in such cases. Feel free to contact us through, and we will assist you with any questions you may have.