Our Leadership Team

Campus Onboard is all about providing quality education to every student!

The leaders and co-founders of Campus Onboard, Mr. Dhaval Thesia and Ms. Mansi Kakkad, share the same vision and work hard to mentor the team members with their expertise in the education and business field.

Since the founders have relished a successful journey in offering foreign education to thousands of students, they envisioned that India also had exposure to the education sector. They felt each student must have essential information handy while having an expert guiding them to choose the most suitable campus and course for them.

Moreover, many overseas students want to pursue their studies in India, but without proper guidance and details, it becomes a bit challenging for them. When our founders noticed this scenario, they had a light-bulb moment, and that's how Campus Onboard came into existence!

Campus Onboard works with education consultants and universities to increase their reach to global students and provide ample possibilities to do what they do best. Our founders' expertise in education consultation, EdTech services, marketing, and administration are at the core of the company.


Message From Our Co-Founder

Dhaval Thesia
“When it comes to selecting the right area of studies and getting admission to the college of choice, the student always faces problems. They often get confused about where to start, whom to trust, whether the choice is correct, who will help and how the entire process will be done. They deserve someone who guides and helps them, provides answers to all the quarries and makes the process hassle-free till they start further studies. With a passion for delivering everything under one roof, we created Campus Onboard, which connects students, enrollment partners, and educational institutes on a single platform. I believe this EdTech venture will hugely benefit students, counselors, and the education sector in India.”

Dhaval Thesia,

Co-Founder and Managing Director,

Campus Onboard

Mr. Naushik Patel

Mr. Naushik Patel,


Campus Onboard

With successful leadership over many centers of INIFD in Gujarat, I have always been passionate about introducing and adopting advancements in the education field. I realized the importance of specialized education at a very young age which motivated me to focus on peculiar fields of education. From my learnings of graduation in Design and postgraduate in Marketing, I have been running a successful education venture for over 20 years. Being a multi-business capitalist myself, I have always been a firm believer in running businesses with smart corporate ethics and operations, a pleasing managerial atmosphere for company personnel, and the utmost satisfaction to everyone in my association.

Ms. Mansi Kakkad,

Chief Executive Officer,

Campus Onboard

Ms Mansi Kakkad is a seasoned management professional over 7+ years of experience altogether in corporate and academics which include a melange of activities conducted and spearheaded with sole objective of optimally catalyzing the expertise in Operations Management, Corporate Communications, and Training & Development.She is persuasive, confident & perfect addition to Team Campus Onboard.

Ms. Mansi Kakkad

The Story of
Our Chairman,
Mr. Ramniklal Thesia

Outstanding, Diversified, Appealing Charisma
Ramnik Thesia

Mr. Ramniklal Thesia is a well-known educator and beloved teaching faculty at the reputed AVPT Institute of Electronics in Rajkot. He has more than 35 years of career counseling experience and has sent thousands of students to study abroad. Moreover, he has prestige in the Indian Medical Society and many other associations for his successful track record.


Laid the foundation stone of the Saarthi Education Foundation (SEF)


Achieved a landmark in the field of Media and Advertising


Became famous for the best student counseling


Saarthi Communication created buzz for the brand and media services


Officially launched the Saarthi Education Foundation


SEF was awarded the “Global Education Excellence”


Received the “Best Support Award” from the finest medical universities


SEF successfully established itself as one of the front runners in overseas education consultants.


Started Campus Onboard, a dynamic EdTech portal

Advisory Board Members

Dr. Jitendra Paliwal

Dr. Jitendra Paliwal

Dr. Anuj Singh

Dr. Anuj Singh

Mr. Shyam Patidar

Mr. Abhishek Singh

Are you ready to be a part of Team Campus Onboard?