Partner with Campus Onboard today and start growing your business!

If you are an education enrollment partner, Campus Onboard is the perfect partner for you to boost your consultation services. We have a wide range of partner universities and courses from which your students can choose the right career path. And when they are admitted to one of our partner universities, you will get a commission.

With Campus Onboard, you can easily find courses and colleges matching your students' needs and preferences. Our AI algorithm suggests relevant courses and universities based on their profile. So you can be sure that you are always giving them the best options.

Partner with Campus Onboard
Business Boost


Boost your business at a lower cost

Our enrollment partners observe rapid growth and maximum productivity by joining us.

payment transparency


Quick payments with transparency

We make you earn at many stages of the enrollment process through our multilevel payback program.

one stop solution


Single platform for all your needs

Our portal has exclusive data and features which offer ease of choice and application, maximizing your chances of cater more students and increasing your earnings.

explore the maximum


A wide range of universities and institutes across India

Our portal is affiliated with the most reputable universities and educational institutions pan India. Thus, you can offer a wide choice of courses and universities to students to maximize their chances of admission.

training tips


A unique training program that works for you

Get trained by our industry experts and get access to the latest information, rules, process, and other tips to grow your consulting business successfully.

Providing the Best-in-class Features to Take Your Business to New Heights

A central platform to facilitate your consultation business

Empower your business with the latest AI algorithms

Mobile apps and web portal to optimize your workflow

Do what you do best, love your work even more, and prosper your business with Campus Onboard

Track and monitor all your applications in one place

High commission and quick settlements

Get quick data-driven insights and find suitable programs for your students

Help students choose the best university that suits their profile

Lead the rockstars of the future in the proper direction through COB

Innovative consultation approach that delivers an A+ enrollment experience

Easy enrollment process and smart documentation

User-Friendly Portal That Bridges the Gap Between You, Your Students, And the Right Institute

We are always available to help you grow your business through the Campus Onboard portal
that offers the best admission success ratio.

Highly Paid Commissions
Highly Paid Commissions

We admire your hard work, so we offer a handsome amount of commission and rapid settlements.

Incentives & Rewards
Incentives & Rewards

Showing appreciation for hard work is an effective way to motivate your partners to stick around. That said, you can earn special incentives and rewards for fulfilling your target. Furthermore, you will also be trained by our expert team and receive all the necessary support to help you adapt to the portal and grow hand in hand.

More than 100+ Universities
More than 100+ Universities and Institutions

Provide an extra edge to your students' applications by accessing more than 100+ universities and educational institutes across India.

A Truly Efficient EdTech System Made to Benefit Students, Enrollment Partners, and Universities

Available at every stage
Available at Every Stage

Our PR and tech team is always available to sort out your queries and support you at every step of the entire journey of your student enrollment.

tay Ahead of Your Competition
Stay Ahead of Your Competition

Make a smart move and stay ahead in the cut-throat competition by simply registering your firm on our portal. Our online training and support program will continuously enhance your proficiency to let you stay ahead of your competitors.

Explore Seminars & Webinars
Explore Seminars & Webinars

We want our Enrollment Partners to remain updated with the latest trends and crucial information. In that direction, we regularly conduct seminars and webinars to familiarize you with the latest rules and regulations.

Ease of Data Access
Ease of Data Access and Enrollment Process

Get acquainted with the latest educational information, admission data, streams, trends, and more on the portal. Assist your students in a newer, faster way and help them enroll in their dream institute without getting stuck.


Our portal is not only an online platform but is your trustworthy and helping hand to groom your efforts and achieve desired success to score the maximum number of students from your area to fulfill their educational goals.

Be a Part of Our Ambitious Crew of Enrollment Partners